Monday, October 11, 2021


Casablanca is an example of a film made in the Classical Hollywood style

Classical style was basically the principle that all of the elements of film form should be used in a way that supported the narrative and mood  of the film and ensured the audience were engrosseed with the story onscreen
Film form techniques  shouldn't be noticed by the audience but should be invisible, clear , consistent and effective in supporting the mood and narrative of the film. 

                                     THE RULES OF CLASSICAL STYLE


  • Continuity editing is preferred style of editing during this time.  Also known as invisible editing , this makes  sure the  story makes sense and looks smooth. Shots are related to each other , the location and eyelines are clear,  and the shots move the narrative forward. Cuts are often made on movement to seem invisible.
  • Use of shot-reverse shot and the sequence of establishing shot- master shot-closeup  to make narrative clear
  • Time is linear
  • In development of plot and story each scene is motivated (cause and effect).  It has a beginning, middle and end. 


  • Use of shot-reverse shot and the sequence of establishing shot- master shot-closeup  to make narrative clear
  • Lighting is realistic , matches mood , fits the narrative and reveals information to the audience when necessary.
  • Lighting often used to highlight beauty of female star or character of other actors.  
  • Camera movement is used to follow key chacaters or move the narrative forward, not to draw attention to the camera itself.
  • No breaking of the fourth wall or techniques that could remind the audience that they are watching a constructed film.  

  • Environment looks realistic and believable to viewer
  • Mise-en-scene is consistent and relates to character and narrative


  • Dialogue should function in developing character or moving the story forward, and even when complex or ambiguous  should be clear and related to character or the story.
  • Music ( diegetic or non-diegetic should support and add to the mood of the specific scene it appears in
  • Sound effects should be realistic and match onscreen action  ( synchronous)


  • Performances by actors ( stars and supporting characters) should be realistic and believable
  • Stars performances usually matched a screen persona familiar to the audience

                                                          GENERAL POINTS

  • All employees of studios work together, directors  are part of a team, as opposed to creative auteurs (which came later) following the rules of classical style   
  • Films were made within clearly established genres with clear and familiar conventions


short video essay on classical style  . Excellent resource with an example scene from Maltese Falcon

Series of video essays on classical Hollywood

More videos on Casablanca

Short essay on Casablanca's use of film form in key scenes

Bordwell's classical Hollywood style slideshare

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


                                                 OTHER INFLUENCES ON CASABLANCA ?

                                         The influence of film noir 

   ( especially on lighting, the themes of betrayal and deception, and the downbeat and ambiguous ending )

Casablanca can be seen as a film that exemplified classical style, but with some cinematic influences from  film noir and some input from Curtiz as director.